Wednesday, August 19, 2009


There are a couple of interesting elements to this tabloid story.

Read the original Herald Sun story here;

The Herald Sun has presented this story to us as some kind of tax the rich story, but this story goes off on a tangent that is more interesting for us.

“There has been no request from the Government to the Australia's Future Tax System review to model such proposals,” the statement said."

There is an erroneous belief that we have to pay income tax. We don't. There is no law that reuqires us to pay income tax. There is a law for local corporations and local artificial persons (YOUR NAME SPELT IN CAPITAL LETTERS)-but multi-national corporations do not have to pay tax in Australia.

So, siven that is the case; why do we have a Future Tax System? Why a G.S.T? To maintain the hegemony of dominance that the government has created over you, without your knowledge.

"The Weekend Australian newspaper says the Government has asked Treasury to model various capital gains tax scenarios on homes valued at $2 million or more."

What does Treasury do with your income tax?

It uses it to pay off its debt to the IMF/World Bank/United Nations. The debt that was created by Treasury when you were registered with a Birth Certificate by your parents.

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